Being part of an eCommerce business can be difficult. It could be less painful if you’d choose the right products to sell. Finding them can also be quite stressful, that’s why we’ll reveal 10 unique products to sell in 20
20. In this list, you can find items from different niches. Let’s have a look.Unique Products to Sell in 2020
1. Stainless Steel Straw
The world is changing, and changing fast. This also involves abandoning wasteful habits like consuming plastic. Stainless steel straws are an awesome alternative to the regular plastic straws. Which makes them even greater is that you can reuse them.
There are lots of ways to successfully advertise them. One of the most important way would be an ecommerce platform, but also social media like Instagram and Facebook are great to include trending products. It can be introduced as a way to spare the world which will definitely increase people’s interest.

2. Toddler Bathroom Stool
Toddler bathroom stool is something that every parent with small kids needs. When children have grown they will want to do everything by themselves but for some activities they are just too short. That’s why they will need the bathroom stool. New parents with their first kids might be unsure about it, but this is your chance to introduce it with your brilliant ads on social media and on your ecommerce store, so they would not miss that out.
3. Fish Peeler
Winter is still here but this doesn’t stop us to start preparing for the summer. Obvious choice would be to target people who are into cooking or fishing. This tool will make their life so much easier because it saves them so much time on cleaning and cooking altogether. It’s a seasonal product but you can extend the selling time by starting your ecommerce campaigns already during winter or early spring.

4. Wooden Chopsticks
As we mentioned before, saving the environment is a hot topic right now. This kind of movement inspires people to buy rather reusable things. One of the most attractive fields is definitely cuisine. Food is getting more and more attention and people want to eat and experience different things. These wooden chopsticks are something that should be in every household. These are washable and reusable plus they are visually very attractive to your table setting.
5. Air Purifier
Health importance has been rising in recent years. We still have diseases and people are trying to keep away from them in different ways. One idea what has been gaining popularity is an air purifier. It is supposed to eliminate contaminants from the air and enhance air quality. It is also good when you have dry air at home so it will make it more humid, it’s better for the respiratory system.
We can predict that the air purifier market is about to go up even more started from 2019 until 2023. It is caused mostly by swift pollution and spreading respiratory diseases.
This product is easier to target as it is suitable for almost everyone. The best ones would surely be parents, families with small children, the ones who care about their health and environment.
6. GPS Tracker
Multi products that can be used in several ways are really attractive for the ecommerce market. GPS tracker can be used on anything you want to keep track on, even your pets, wallet and keys.
The easiest target group is potentially people who have pets or who own a car. It is a probably a product which can be sold to anyone.
We recommend using video marketing as it helps you to show the real use of this product.
7. Cat Jacket
The world is getting weirder every day. And people also tend to put clothes on their pets. It’s a good habit when you have a small cat or dog who gets cold quickly and needs something to keep them warm. In the pet clothes industry, there is a diverse wardrobe and why not try out to sell something from there. For example something amusing.
8. Bikini
So, this is something which seems like a summer product but it actually isn’t. This can definitely be sold all year long. People travel all the time so this is the product which is in demand all the time. Interest will increase during summer and in spring time for sure.

9. Baby Chewable Gloves
One more product for the babies. This is a good field where to jump into. As babies are born every day, this category will always have customers. Chewable gloves are comfortable and easy to use for newborns.
10. Sport Watch
Last but not least, sport watches are gathering huge popularity. People are continually starting to care about their health and body. They are finding ways that will make the training progress smoother. One of them is a well-working sports watch that helps to keep track of the pulse, activity, and performance.
We suggest you market it on social media and on your ecommerce store. Also, if you have enabled Instagram product tagging and Facebook Store, the bigger the chance is that your future customers will checkout from your store.
This is the top 10 list we created for you to think what you could be selling in 2019. There is a lot more to advertise but the best ones are hard to find. We hope you found something that soothes you here.
When you have questions about starting your online store, check out the Shoperb help center where you can find all the common answers about how to set up your store in Shoperb. If you still have some questions, don’t hesitate to ask us!